The Existential Transhuman

similarities between transhumanism and existentialism revealed

There are a few key ways in which transhumanism and existentialism differ. For one, transhumanism is focused on using technology to improve the human condition, while existentialism is more concerned with the philosophical implications of existence itself. Additionally, transhumanists typically believe that humans can and should strive to transcend their current limitations, while existentialists may see such limitations as inherent and unavoidable parts of the human experience. Finally, transhumanists tend to be optimistic about the future potential of humanity, while existentialists are often more pessimistic about what life has to offer.

Despite these differences, there are also some significant similarities between transhumanism and existentialism. Both philosophies emphasize the importance of individual freedom and choice, for example. Additionally, both transhumanism and existentialism are concerned with the ways in which humans can create meaning in their lives. Ultimately, then, transhumanism and existentialism are two philosophies that offer different perspectives on the human condition, but which also share some important commonalities.


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